About Us
Oyeyeng Productions Limited, is a Ugandan production company based in Lira City in northern Uganda. It specializes in theatre and film production, modern and traditional dance performances and festivals, and visual art exhibition. We strive to entertain and educate, and aspire to organize the culture and creative sector in northern Uganda and beyond. The production company was first established in 1994 as Oyeyeng Theatre Group, a Non-Governmental Organization that would use the concept of theatre for development to promote development in northern Uganda. Oyeyeng Theatre Group was the first formal theatre company in northern Uganda and operated widely in the Lango and Acholi sub-regions as well as performing for the Lango and Acholi communities in Kampala, Entebbe and Jinja areas. The theatre group partnered with Makerere University, the Royal Netherlands Embassy, Uganda Disabled Children Association and Action Aid Uganda among others to produce many plays performed in open community theatres that had immense impact on communities in the fields of education, peace and security, fighting disability stigma and most memorably, promoting girlchild education.
In pursuit of its aims and objectives, Oyeyeng Theatre Group was rebranded as Oyeyeng Productions Ltd., in 2024, a production company with a much bigger mandate that seeks to promote educational and public knowledge, awareness, appreciation and enjoyment of drama, film, and all forms of the arts—commercial and developmental. Its other aim is to promote and encourage traditional dance troupes, organize dance competitions and festivals, and to take such initiatives that can help restore traditional songs and dance performances in Lango after the cultural destruction of the LRA insurgency, and to take them to other parts of the world. The company seeks to promote the growth and development of the visual arts, develop digital entertainment platforms and encourage and develop quality and artistic advertisement.
We seek to unite, organize, train and manage traditional and modern dancers in Lango and in northern Uganda and to coordinate and market traditional and modern dancers in northern Uganda to the rest of Uganda and other parts of the world. We also seek to organize talent searches of talented Lango and northern Ugandan artists, to showcase their talent and to connect them with opportunities nationally and globally. We promote the sale of artistic works; cinematic arts, oral arts, visual arts, plastic arts, decorative arts and all forms of art and to promote cultural tourism in northern Uganda. Our vision is to set up an audiologovisual resource center and archives in northern Uganda for artistic works, including literature, music, art and film—a one-stop digital archive of artistic resources and players/stakeholders. We also plan to operate a physical and online library repository for the promotion of art.

Professor Okaka Dokotum
Dr. Okaka Opio Dokotum is an Associate Professor of Literature and Film. He completed his PhD in English from Northern Illinois University in 2008. He has a Masters in Literature and Bachelors of Arts in Literature form Makerere University. His seminal work, Hollywood and Africa: Recycling the “Dark Continent” Myth—1908 to 2020, is a major textbook in cultural studies, especially the imaging of Africa in western media. Dokotum is a poet, playwright, actor and filmmaker. Dokotum has written four plays and a poetry book in Lёblango which are taught at secondary school and University levels in Uganda. They include Nyingi (Poetry), Ojok Tye Kampala, Tong Oromo Lyec, Angwalo Dang Dano, Myelkom Mio Icobo Yibe, and Wek Abonyo Kwani. He also adapted his play Wek Abonyo Kwani into the first feature film in Lango. His Documentary Film Abia Boys and the LRA premiered in Phnom Penh, Cambodia and Lahore, Pakistan in February and September 2024 respectively. He founded Oyeyeng Theatre Group in 1994 as an NGO and was the Artistic Director for many years, writing, producing and directing. He later transformed it to Oyeyeng Productions Limited, a company limited by shares. He has served as Member of the Jury, Uganda Film Festival (UFF) and Chairman of the Jury and trainer for the Uganda Regional Film Competition. He is currently the Chairman Board of Trustees, Uganda National Cultural Center. He has also received national and international awards for academic excellence.

Our Address
Grand Clementine Mall, Kwania Road,
Lira City, Uganda P.O Box, 1651, Lira, Uganda
Contact Number
+256 769 169 739
+256 747 902 300