Traditional Music & Dance
Do you need a traditional dance troupe for your marriage ceremony or any event? Talk to us.
One of the key objectives of Oyeyeng Productions Ltd., is to promote and encourage traditional music and dance by organizing dance troupes, funding competitions and festivals for okemme, Ikoce, and other traditional Lango dances, and to take such initiatives that can help restore traditional songs and dance performances in Lango and other parts of the world. As such, Oyeyeng has an understanding with Abia Boys Culture and Heritage Troupe from Abia subcounty in Alebtong District to network them locally and internationally. Abia Sub-County in current Alebtong District in the Lango sub-region of northern Uganda is best known for its great music composers and dancers. Since the early 1900s Abia became what we can call the Dance Capital of Lango.
We network Abia groups with business opportunities such as performance at marriage celebrations, pubic events, national and international festivals. We also work with groups outside Abia and in other parts of Uganda. We work with 28 groups including Abwoc Yie Kec (Original Abia Boys), the oldest Abia group, Lango Band, Yotkom Smart, Tekulu United, Tekulu Combined, as well as groups in Bar Sub-County like Uganda Cowboys (U-Boys), Marine Boys and Bar Youth.

Book traditional music and dance for your event.

Our Address
Grand Clementine Mall, Kwania Road,
Lira City, Uganda P.O Box, 1651, Lira, Uganda
Contact Number
+256 769 169 739
+256 747 902 300