Ojok Tye Kampala (Ojok is in Kampala)
Ojok Tye Kampala is the story of Captain Obic Wot’Omara-Omwodo-Lut-Kot, a former Captain in the Uganda National Liberation Army and commanding officer of Bombo Military Barracks. After the 1985 military overthrow of the Milton Obote II government by the General Tito Okello Lutwa Junta, Captain Obic fled to the village in Akokoro and life became very hard. He would spend time reminiscing about the good life he had before the coup and how he squandered his fortunes in voluptuous living. Obic has a cousin in Kampala called Ojok, who works with Roko Construction company, and he would drink on credit assuring the beer sellers that his cousin brother Ojok is in Kampala and will come and square up the bills.
This play was written by Okaka Dokotum, the artistic Director of Oyeyeng theatre Group. The play was first performed at the Senior Prison Officers Mess in Kampala in 1994. It was later performed widely in theatres around Lira and Apac towns. Between 1998 and 1999, Makerere University used Ojok Tye Kampala to popularise its Luo language degree programme. It was performed at Makerere University, Naguru Community Center, and extensively in Kampala and Entebbe. In 2012, the play was produced at the Uganda National Theatre as part of the fundraisers for Lango Conference 2012.

Our Address
Grand Clementine Mall, Kwania Road,
Lira City, Uganda P.O Box, 1651, Lira, Uganda
Contact Number
+256 769 169 739
+256 747 902 300